Henry Holley


Technology Support Analyst

As a Technology Support Analyst, Henry is known for his meticulous attention to detail, innovative approach, and exceptional problem-solving skills. Along with a solid educational foundation, Henry has seamlessly transitioned his talents into the cybersecurity industry. 

Henry’s professional journey is marked by diverse experiences. Beginning in the hospitality industry - where he honed his customer service and management skills - Henry demonstrated an innate ability to address complex situations with ease and efficiency. Moving into the cybersecurity space, Henry embraced the role of a research analyst, where he applied his analytical prowess to identify and address new threats and emerging technologies

Success in cybersecurity is not just about understanding the tools in front of you, but fostering a mindset that anticipates change and thrives on adaptation.
— Henry Holley

At the core of Henry’s expertise is his unwavering commitment to excellence - down to the smallest of details. Whether it’s providing top-tier support to clients or delving into the latest technological advancements, he consistently pushes the envelope by seeking innovative solutions to the most challenging of problems.

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